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„If dancing is about drawing lines and formes by the means of the body, then make-up is a detailed movement of lines and shapes onto a body,“ says Yana Stephan.

Yana has always been fascinated by art in any of its expressions. First she found her way to express art through the art of the body movement. Yana used to be a professional dancer and worked on numerous stages in the world with international dance companies.

Appearance is a very powerful and important point on stage and this is how Yana realised her deep interest, and further on a fascination for a new profession, in make-up.

Yana went to study make-up at the best professional make-up artists and teachers in Ukraine, such as Taisia Vasilieva, who was a part of the World Championship’s jury team, and Matilda Inozemzeva. It ist them whom Yana is entirely thankfull to have received the unique knowledge about and skills in the make-up art.

As she had finished her education, she was invited to work at the beauty salon „Rovlon“ in Dnepropetrovsk.

Today Yana lives and works in Paris. Together with the best photographers and models she extends her experience and fields of work from various types of make-up to the body art using exceptionally professional cosmetics.


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